ARC Unveils REACTOR, a Groundbreaking Software and Smart Contract Coding Graphic User Interface (GUI) in V1.2 With Developer Portal and Tutorial

ARC Reactor is a GUI that empowers software developers to ingest, audit, build, maintain, and test any smart contracts and code. Developers can then ship the code to any EVM chain in minutes. They intend to be expand beyond EVM chains in the near future. ARC has released access to its developer document portal, tutorial, videos and shares business model insight. They are currently accepting applications to build solutions with Reactor and are actively exploring partnership possibilities.

NEW YORK, Sept. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ARC officially moved ARC Reactor to V1.2 which allows developers to ingest any code from any EVM chain, and instantly display the code as a functional and editable diagram. Developers can immediately visually audit the code, with all exceptions and dependencies brought to light as well as how each module interacts with each other.

From there, the software developer can edit, add and build code functions, collaborate with other developers, test the code and ship it to any EVM chain.

In the following tutorial in the developer portal, smart-contract developers can follow a simple 8-step process which takes a total of 30 minutes of development time. This tutorial and video demonstrates how to ingest, audit, edit, test and ship a robust project like PancakeSwap from Binance BNB Chain to Polygon chain: 

ARC Reactor’s objective is to create the new GUI terminal for creating, auditing, building, maintaining, collaborating and shipping of all smart contracts and code. While the team have initially chosen to focus on the burgeoning EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) ecosystem first, their roadmap includes other all significant languages and ecosystems including Solana, Cosmos, PolkaDot, Hedera, Java, Python, Ruby, React and more.

The team’s vision is that in a few years, the vast majority of software developers in startups and corporations will use ARC Reactor as the de facto tool for developing and maintaining all codebases.

Henry Syahputra (CTO and technical co-founder of ARC) originally conceived of Reactor in 2018, inspired by the simple question: “What if all software development was a visual process, completely transparent and interactive? What could change?”

ARC Reactor presents a paradigm shift, allowing any code to be ingested immediately, ranging from open source libraries and existing solutions, right through to existing code within a corporation or startup. The software developer gains instant insight into every aspect of the architecture and code, including potential malware, exceptions, broken dependencies and more. Furthermore, the display of the code visually offers a nuanced and different perspective of the code which recently led ARC Reactor to help one of the leading no code startups in WEB3 to identify a critical flaw in its architecture.

Beyond this initial perspective, the software developer can dive deeper and see all the logic in the smart contracts and code displayed visually and alter that code, as well as add functions.

From that point the software engineer can test the code they want to ship and deploy it to any chain they choose.

Since Syahputra initially conceived of Reactor in 2018, his published paper has been cited numerous times, including by the Portuguese government for their Digital Identity solution in collaboration with WallID:,5&hl=en 

Syahputra shares: “My inspiration has always been the decentralization of opportunity for fellow human beings, as well as the mass adoption of blockchain technology. It occurred to me years ago: ‘wouldn’t it be great if anyone could understand the blockchain and its idiosyncratic coding… what if anyone could understand it and build on it, especially those with economic barriers?’ In building Reactor with the open-source mindset at its core, I hope everyone is welcomed into a blockchain world without limitation.”

ARC are specifically focusing on reaching out to L1 and L2 chain partners, who they feel can effect the greatest change by significantly helping them and projects in their ecosystem to:

  1. lower barriers of entry, 
  2. shorten development cycles, 
  3. onboard software engineers faster,
  4. build more robust and secure solutions,
  5. lower costs and environmental impact,
  6. collaborate,
  7. audit,
  8. ship cross-chain

ARC anticipates announcing more team members, advisors, partnerships, and product releases in the coming weeks. ARC has already begun discussions for its first round of equity-based financing.

For more information about this release as well as insights regarding the Reactor business model, please visit:

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