Expert Reasons to Switch to LED Lights in Your Home or Workspace

Expert Reasons to Switch to LED Lights in Your Home or Workspace

Are you looking at ways to make your home more energy-efficient? Has it been a while since you upgraded or even checked the electrical components of your home? Fortunately, there are several ways that you can give your home an electrical makeover.

Our electrical experts recommend starting with an electrical switchboard upgrade and moving on to replacing all your lights with energy-efficient LED options. Not convinced that this will make any difference to your home? Keep reading as we share some of the top reasons to switch to LED lighting.

What Exactly is LED Lighting?

LED, or light emitting diode, are light bulbs where an electrical current passes through a microchip and causes the illumination. These lights are considered safer and more efficient than incandescent bulbs as they have a lower operating temperature. This lower temperature makes it less likely of a fire risk when it comes in contact with any flammable materials. LED lamps and bulbs will be marked to help you identify them.

Better Options

The average Australian household typically uses about 10% of its electricity budget on lighting. While this might not seem like a whole lot if you compare it to the rest of your energy bill, reducing as many aspects of your consumption will go a long way toward an overall saving. Let’s dive in and take a look at why LEDs are a smarter choice for your home and workspace.

1.     Longer Lifespan

The number one reason home and business owners prefer LED bulbs is their longer lifespan. Since the average LED can last for between 50,000 to 100,000 operating hours, they won’t need to be replaced as often. It’s interesting to point out that this is almost 2 to 4 times longer than a fluorescent light and at least 40 times as long as a typical incandescent light bulb. This means you’ll be saving a considerable amount of money in the long run.

2.     Energy-Efficient

We’ve already mentioned that LED lighting is more energy efficient, but did you know that this efficiency can be seen in as much as 75% savings on your lighting? This can add up to a considerable amount if you’re lighting an office or workspace for the bulk of the day.

3.     Low Voltage

LED lighting doesn’t need a high-voltage power supply to function. This makes them easy to use in outdoor, remote, or rural settings where it would otherwise be challenging to create significant lighting. Operating on lower voltage also makes it safer to install LEDs. There’s also a minimized risk of electrocution if the lights are exposed.

4.     Can Operate in Extreme Temperatures

You may not know this because you live in a country with an extremely hot climate, but traditional lighting solutions are vulnerable to the extremes of very low temperatures. LEDs, on the other hand, can function optimally in cold and warm temperatures alike.

5.     Environmentally-Friendly

Traditional lighting such as fluorescent lights can be challenging to dispose of. This is because they contain mercury. This is also what makes older lighting types nearly impossible to recycle. Fortunately, LEDs are manufactured without these chemicals and are toxic-free. Since they’re also 100% recyclable, it’s super easy to reduce your home’s carbon footprint by reducing the harmful toxins you send off to your local landfill.

6.     Emits no UV

Older, more traditional lighting types emit a significant amount of UV. This means that UV-sensitive objects such as artwork or specific household appliances can get damaged over time. LED lights are completely UV-free, making them ideal to use overheat and UV-sensitive goods. It’s the perfect type of light to use if you need to illuminate your statement photo wall.

7.     Instant Illumination

Unlike traditional lights, LEDs instantly light up at their maximum potential. Older options often take a few minutes to reach full brightness. Constantly switching your fluorescent light on and off also reduces its total life expectancy. The amount of times you switch an LED light on or off doesn’t reduce their life span.

8.     More Controlled Illumination

LEDs boast a more focused light design which means you easily cast light on the desired area without the need for external reflectors. This is also the feature that makes LED lighting appear brighter. Using LED lighting outdoors will give you more illumination, making them excellent for security systems and motion sensor lights.

9.     Wide Variety of Options

With a wide range of options on offer, you’ll easily find the right option for your space. Besides the regular LED options, you can also consider these types of LED lights:

  • Aircraft LED: These types of lights are used in the aviation industry and offer a high degree of efficiency.
  • Strip LED: A flexible design results in an easy installation and is ideal for office rooms and kitchen décor. They can also be controlled through wireless dimming systems.
  • Commercial LED: Specifically designed for large, commercial spaces will see you saving money with this option.

Final Thoughts

It’s easy to see why so many Australians are switching their old, fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs for more energy-efficient LEDs. Consider these reasons when you’re shortlisting the top ways to start your home’s electrical makeover. From bedside lamps to outdoor safety lights, LEDs are the way of the future!

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