Legal Studio employs Hannah Beko to help lawyers enjoy life

Hannah Beko Legal Studio

A mum-of-three who struggled through a law career with chronic stress is hoping her new role will help others in the same boat.

Legal Studio, based in Manchester and Leeds, has hired Hannah Beko as its new head of mission.

Her primary role will be to empower staff and to support them in mindset shifts to make their consultancy businesses flourish.

A new academy being launched by Legal Studio will provide training to the whole team at but also introduce practical tools and skills for lawyers to use to market their practice, find their ideal clients and do more of the work they really want to be doing.

Hannah said: “My mission since 2016 has been to change the culture in law so that stress isn’t just accepted as part and parcel of the job, and no one is leaving a career they trained for years to join, because they can’t reconcile work and life.

“I realised that lawyers didn’t really know that such support existed, or where to reach out for it.  I created various courses, trainings and qualified as a coach to support lawyers in firstly identifying and then going on to create the life and business that they want to have.  

“As the new head of mission, it’s my job to help more lawyers to enjoy work in a healthy, sustainable and profitable way that works for them in my new head of mission role.”

Director Matt Dowell and solicitor  Ian McCann of Legal Studio, are thrilled to have Hannah on board as her values align well with their own, making the new role for her very clear.

Matt said: “We are delighted to have Hannah join us to help deliver on the Legal Studio brand promise of helping lawyers to enjoy work. Personal motivations for me are freedom, control and financial security. This is what we want to deliver for all of the Legal Studio family and I know that Hannah will help us deliver that.

“Lawyers tend to work a lot. Traditional law encourages it and rewards for it.  Taking people away from the traditional model and expecting that they will change overnight, is unrealistic.  We are talking about undoing years of conditioning, that’s what the new coaching and training will provide.”

Hannah has also written a new book called The Authentic Lawyer, which she hopes will alleviate stress for others in the legal profession.

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