Proven Ways That You’ll Benefit From Seeing an Osteopath

Proven Ways That You’ll Benefit From Seeing an Osteopath

Dealing with issues related to musculoskeletal injuries such as back pain, chronic headaches, or shoulder and hip pain can be debilitating. Not only does it hamper your daily activities, but it can hamper your sleeping patterns.

One of the top ways to deal with these types of injuries is by going to the physio Noosa clinics offer. An alternative to this is to consult with an osteopath. Keep reading to find out what this treatment involves and how you can benefit from it.

What is Osteopathy?

In a nutshell, osteopathy can be defined as the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal and nervous system conditions. They do this through a variety of methods such as:

  • Clinical exercise programs
  • Manual therapy
  • Recommendations for posture and movement improvement
  • Advise on ergonomics
  • Provide ongoing support and educational guidance on stress management, lifestyle, diet, and other factors that impact an individual’s movement

Amazing Benefits to Consider

Osteopaths are often commonly associated with treating back pain and other related ailments. Few people realise that these healthcare professionals can do a lot more. In addition to providing instant relief for conditions such as neck and back pain, they can also advise you of long-term solutions to help you with your pain management. Here are a few more ways that you’ll benefit from a few sessions with an osteopath.

1.     A Healthy, Holistic Approach

If you’re already dealing with chronic pain, then you’re also more than likely taking prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication. You may not be looking to add more commercial medication to the mix. This makes osteopathy the best option as it’s a holistic approach to pain management.

An osteopathy diagnosis identifies various imbalances between different parts of your body. The osteopath then uses this information to design a treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your pain.

There are several benefits of opting for holistic medicine. The most significant of these include the following:

  • No side effects often experienced from commercial drugs.
  • Focuses on treating the whole body as an illness or ailment doesn’t only affect one part of the body.
  • A personalised approach is created based on the patient’s unique symptoms, lifestyle, and overall health.

2.     Treatments are Non-Invasive

One of the more appealing aspects of osteopathy is that it’s non-invasive. There’s no surgery or medications. Essentially the osteopath uses a range of different techniques to encourage your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution and each person’s treatment is tailored to suit their specific condition. Common treatments include body awareness sessions and relaxation techniques. Where necessary, exercises are tailored to assist with pain management. Your osteopath will also suggest an exercise program that you can follow in the comfort of your own home.

3.     Facilitates Better Sleeping Patterns

Quality sleep is an essential aspect of healthy living. However, maintaining healthy sleeping patterns can be difficult if you’re in constant pain. Lack of sleep can lead to anxiety, chronic headaches, and even weight gain.

Factors such as inflammation and stress related to your condition can make it difficult to fall asleep. By reducing inflammation, your osteopath will be able to help you develop more effective sleeping patterns. These types of treatment are especially beneficial if you’ve developed sleeping issues after a traumatic event.

4.     Provides Relief for Nerve Compression

Nerve compression is one of the more common ailments osteopaths deal with. This is because it’s becoming more common with people who develop nerve compression from poor posture. Sitting scrunched over a computer all day is a common reason for this.

When your nerves are compressed, you can experience tingling, numbness, and pain. Nerve pain can also be caused by injury or trauma to the nervous system or a disc bulge that is pressing on the nerve. This is most common in the neck, shoulder, and lower back.

By helping to release the compressed nerve, your osteopath will be able to provide you with relief from as early as your first session. They will also be able to recommend exercises to help you prevent compressed nerves.

5.     Encourages a Feeling of Well-Being

An individual is often not in the best of moods when they’re experiencing pain or consistent discomfort. Depending on the severity of your injury or chronic pain, you may feel yourself feeling run down, negative, and depressed most of the time.

A few simple osteopathic treatments can relieve pain which in turn will help you feel better. Continued treatments may eventually lead to an improved sense of well-being. Pain relief can decrease feelings of anxiety and lethargy. Some patients have reported feeling considerably better after just a few treatments.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many ways that an osteopath can help you deal with chronic pain and discomfort. It’s especially beneficial to highlight that these treatments don’t require surgery or additional medications. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, it may be a good idea to schedule an appointment – a solution to your discomfort may be closer than you think!

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