Here’s how to make the most of the weekend with your kids

You may be exhausted by your toddler and find ways to relax. However, it won’t be long until your five-month-old infant turns into a 15-year-old teenager, and then you’ll want to spend time with him, but he’ll be too occupied with his friends making plans for the weekend and may not have time for you. 

Do your best to take advantage of this precious time as it will never come around again. Spending quality time with your kids is essential because it helps you build stronger bonds, create memories, and makes your children feel wanted and loved. We have compiled a list to help you make the most of your weekend with your kids.

Prepare for the weekend ahead of time

Present a crazy, fun-filled evening for your kids when they come home from school with a tired face and heavy bags. Put on old pyjamas and have a face-painting party. Allow your child to express himself creatively by painting on your face. You may also try finger painting on charts or fabric painting on an old baby t shirt. All you need is a bath later on, and this colorful activity will make your kid giddy with joy. If you want to avoid much cleaning later on, make sure that you spread a piece of old newspaper on the ground.

Seek help from little hands

Imagine seeing your little chef baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies! Isn’t that wonderful?  Besides being a great way to bond, this activity will also enhance your kid’s motor skills. In this way, your child will have something to do with you, which will bring him joy.

Plan a movie night

It can be planned for a Saturday night with your friends and their children or your child’s friends and parents. While the kids watch cartoon movies with popcorn, the mummies can gossip about what they have been up to. You could have a potluck with all the moms making your children’s favorite dishes and have them served by those little hands. In addition, the event could be hosted as a Daddy Champ Night, where all the dads get together for a fun Playstation session or a few drinks while the kids see an animated movie of their choice. Alternatively, if you want to spend some quality time with your kids alone, you could order some pizza, pop in their favorite movie, and have a ‘Family Movie Night’.

Build a Blanket Fort

Kids can have some serious fun building blanket forts. All you need is some pillows, blankets, muslin wraps, and clothes pegs, and leave the rest to your child’s imagination. Your tot will love to hide inside it since it fends off the evil Boogeyman or lets him be a prince! In addition, it will be an excellent spot for your kid to have a nice evening routine. You may get cozy in our fort and read him bedtime stories as he drifts off to sleep. 

Model Tea-party

Put on an enchanted castle costume, a magical garden, or Alice in Wonderland costumes and pretend you’re somewhere far away. Put some tea cake and hot chocolate in tiny cups and have a fancy tea party.

Visit the Zoo

When we were kids, most of us visited the zoo at least once, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Animals that aren’t toys but real, feeding them, having cotton candy, all that may captivate them! You could give that same joy to your kids, and don’t forget to snap a picture of your child as they squeal with glee.

Plan a small vacay

Vacations needn’t be expensive and energy-consuming. You could simply pack some peanut butter and chocolate sandwiches along with some fresh fruit juices and have a lovely picnic with your kids and partner. It will be the perfect activity for your family on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Take along a frisbee and badminton rackets to play a game with your family. Such quality time with your family will make the rest of the week so much better.


Despite how busy you may be, spending time with your kids is an essential step to feeling happy and less stressed. Further, it will strengthen your bond with your kids. When parents enter the kid’s world of excitement and imagination, accompany them on their adventures of curiosity and wonder, and entrust them utterly, the relationship transforms in such a way that the child experiences life vividly.

Happy Parenting!

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